
Rye Harbour Discovery Centre
Festive Makers Market
23rd - 24th November 2023
10am - 4pm each day
I'm pleased to be returning as one of twenty local artists selling work at this makers market. I will have new floral and sprigged work and some horizon pieces.
Discovery Centre
Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Rye Harbour
East Sussex
TN31 7FW
Organised by Sussex Wildlife Trust

Cranbrook Art Show 2024
Thurs 7th November 10 - 5
Friday 8th November 10 - 7
Saturday 9th November 10-5
I'm pleased to have been selected for this Art Show. I will have new floral and sprigged work.
Vestry Hall
TN17 3HA

Rye Harbour Discovery Centre
Midsummer Makers Market
22nd - 23rd June 2024
10am - 4pm each day
I'm pleased to be returning as one of twenty local artists selling work at this makers market. I will have new floral and sprigged work and some horizon pieces.
Discovery Centre
Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Rye Harbour
East Sussex
TN31 7FW
Organised by Sussex Wildlife Trust

Rye Harbour Discovery Centre
Festive Makers Market
18th - 19th November 2023
10am - 4pm each day
I'm pleased to be returning as one of twenty local artists selling work at this makers market. I will have new floral and sprigged work and some horizon pieces.
Discovery Centre
Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Rye Harbour
East Sussex
TN31 7FW
Organised by Sussex Wildlife Trust

Rye Society of Artists
Summer Exhibition 2023
5th - 28th August 2023
I am showing three Bramble pieces as part of the Rye Society of Artists annual summer exhibition.
The Dance Hall Community Centre
Conduit Hill
East Sussex
TN31 7LE
Open Daily 10.30am - 5.00pm

White Chalk Gallery Open Exhibition
3rd - 26th August 2023
Open Thurs - Sat 10am - 5pm
I will have a Daisy flower and a Buttercup flower piece in this exhibition
Meet the Artists Event on 5th August 2-4pm
White Chalk Gallery Fine Art
5 Old Swan Yard
SN10 1AT

Midsummer Art Exhibition
Greenfinch Gallery at King John's Nursery
24th June - 25th June 2023
Open Sat - Sun 10 - 4pm
I will have a new selection of sprigged ceramic vases alongside some flower pieces.
PV Friday 23rd June 6-9pm
King John's Nursery
East Sussex
TN19 7AZ

New Ashgate Gallery
Spring Craft Exhibition
14th Jan - 15th April 2023
Open Tues - Sat 10.30 - 5pm
I will have new snowdrop and bluebell pieces as part of the Spring Craft exhibition. Details available via the New Ashgate Website.
New Ashgate Gallery
Wagon Yard

Rye Harbour Discovery Centre
Festive Makers Market
12th - 13th November 2022
10am - 4pm each day
I will be one of twenty local artists selling work at this makers market. I will have new floral and sprigged work and some horizon pieces.
Discovery Centre
Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Rye Harbour
East Sussex
TN31 7FW
Organised by Sussex Wildlife Trust

Rye Society of Artists
Summer Exhibition 2022
6th - 28th August 2022
I am showing three daisy and buttercup pieces as part of the Rye Society of Artists annual summer exhibition.
The Dance Hall Community Centre
Conduit Hill
East Sussex
TN31 7LE
Open Daily 10.30am - 5.00pm

Kent Potters Open Exhibition
25th June - 24th July 2022
New and exciting contemporary ceramics created by local potters in a special exhibition from the Kent Potters Association.
I will be showing new floral sprigged vases cast from locally gathered Spring flora.
The Beaney House of Art Knowledge
18 High Street,
Kent CT1 2RA
Opening Times:
Monday - closed
Tues - Sat - 10am - 5pm
Sunday - 11am - 4pm

Thrown Contemporary Online Winter Exhibition
18th November 2021 - 30th January 2022
​I am participating in Thrown Contemporary's Online Winter Exhibition with Snowdrop Quintet.
Available to buy via this website

Kent Creatives Home is a Feeling
13th - 14th November 2021
'Home is a Feeling', is an exhibition where artists, makers and designers will show their work in a different way, highlighting how much of art and design we have in our homes. We are surrounded by art in our everyday life and yet many people do not realise how much there is and what a big impact it has on our environment and on our mood.
Alexander Centre,
15 - 17 Preston St
Kent ME13 8NZ